I understand arranging lines to fit under a DSX vs USX vs Double Escape… However the two way pick slanting is confusing me a bit here is why:
In this video it shows that the DSX+Upwards pick slant is played through entire string and than the USX+Downwards pick slant is utilized on the next string throughout the picking of the entire string:
This is found at 1:00
Also I watched a video on Ben Eller who appreciates Troy’s work and mentions this same concept:
But then on this video it talks about a Down+Up+ Rotate Up+Down+Rotate which is not maintaining the pick slant associated with the last pick stroke on one string. At 0:47
Can someone clear up whether you maintain the pick slant while playing on one string associated with the last pick stroke or do you do this Down+Up+Rotate approach? And which of the two ideas do you play and when?