Hey! I have a gig tomorrow ive been practicing since last wednesday realizing that its sooner then later when mixing up the dates
I feel confused and stuck and honestly dont know whats “right” technique anymore
Im learning this song by journey
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The solo has two sections that are really fast triplets (or sixth?)
Ive been on the grind since last Wednesday and couldnt get up to speed which is natural cus i know this isn’t easy stuff but im struggling so hard and im worried if im even doing DSX correctly or at all? Or should i in this context?
I find dsx works great when going from the thicker strings to the thinner ones but when its the other way around i switch to a weird usx but not really usx ? Idk how to describe it
Should i just floor it for now? Not like i have much time, i hate how nervous i get when playing so simple patterns just completely freeze in my head
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