Hey guys,
Since joining this site, I’ve noticed how prevalently you all use the metronome. I’ve never really used the metronome because every time I’ve tried, I feel like I struggle way more than I should and have to play way way way slower with the metronome than I can without. Well today I decided to give it another go and felt like I had made some progress because I could count my beats on one string up to 185 bpm (comfortably). I know, it doesn’t sound like a huge achievement but for me it is.
Well I tried applying this newfound skill to this lick I’ve been focusing on (3 nps for 3 strings with dwps and a sweep) and I could still use the metronome and stay in sync with it… but I could no longer count the beat with the note I’m playing it on. So instead of counting 1 beat every 4 notes, the best I can manage is counting the beat while playing but not really connecting the two. I’m still in sync but I can’t connect the beat with the particular note I’m playing if that makes sense.
So I thought “maybe it’s just because I’m less familiar with this lick”. So I try to apply it to the first thing that pops in my head that I’ve played forever (1 note on the A string, 5 on the E, and repeat). “Hooray, I can count the beat along with the specific note I’m playing at that time again! …Wait, that’s not 4 notes per beat.” … I’m counting 6 notes per beat which sorta makes sense because that’s a fairly standard time signature and the lick does repeat after six notes right? But why can’t I count four notes per beat anyway? Shouldn’t I be able to control that with my mind? I went back to the 3nps string and found that I still can’t exactly tie the specific note and the beat together the way I can on a single string but I did notice that the beat I’m counting is landing on the first note of each string (so 3 notes per beat).
Hopefully all of that made sense. If it did, can anyone tell me if this is a normal problem (not being able to play 4 notes per beat on varying sequences) and possible remedies if others have faced this problem? Or maybe just that this is normal and counting 4 notes per beat regardless of what you’re playing isn’t normal?