Cross picking With The Wrist Live Video?

Hi - Just wondering has this video been removed from the site ?

I am really interested in watching this as it is something i am currently focusing on but all the old links to the website take me to Cross picking with the Wrist and Forearm.


Yeah I don’t see it where it used to be. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but I know once I mentioned that video in a post and Troy weighed in saying the most up-to-date info on crosspicking (DBX) is in the PickSlanting Primer.

The “RDT” section is probably what you’re looking for.

Also tons of wrist stuff here on wrist motion, some specifics on DBX

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Thankyou very much - will definitely explore through the above

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Is there any chance of getting this live stream available again ?

Looks like it was the a great reference for a lot of players who have had success with this and it would great to be able to watch it.