After playing 30+ years I have always done “Metronome + Slow and Steady.” I never have heard anything else for as long as I have been playing until I joined CTC. I still have a tough time learning to shred from the moment I look at the music. If I practice a lick I have never HEARD or fingered, how is it possible to shred it out like I’ve always known it like I know my own address?
“Just play it at top speed and you’ll get it!”
I’ve tried this and it doesn’t work. However, I am still trying from time to time and keeping an open mind. BUT, I still do what I’ve always done.
- Set a timer for about 5 mins.
- Learn the brand new lick/fingering SLOWLY in order to get it under my fingers. Avoiding mistakes so I won’t have bad habits from the start and waste time fixing them later.
- Once said lick feels good, easy and natural at a slow speed begin to bump up the “Gnome” to a speed that feels “pushy” but not over my limits.
- Timer goes off, pick up where I left off tomorrow.
I have spent 4x that amount of time on some of the things on the MR Rock seminar, playing at the speed Tommo performs it. Spaceship is 150bpm. I have spent 20 mins trying and missing every time and never get the lick. However, If I spend 5 mins a day I am setting the ground work and feeling like I am attaining a goal. And more confident I will take some more steps in the right direction in the next few days to come.
Now, thanks to the Primer and working with Troy for almost a year, I am able to do some new things while still learning a WHOLE lot more to get where I want to go.
I remember the Tony Hawk video of him having to nail the new trick. He obviously has NO CHOICE but to do it in real time. However, we have an option not to. To me, it sounds like in order for me to Bench Press 500 pounds I need to start at 500 lbsm, when I have never Bench Pressed an empty bar, or learned some basic mechanics/technique to bench press properly. And if there is any Fitness Trainer that told me that, I’d find another Trainer or another Gym.
I want to say that I don’t think I’m right and CTC’s wrong and visa versa. I’m keeping an open mind to new ideas about learning. Honestly, I am!
So, what is a plan/guideline that get’s CTC’s approval to play any notated lick on this site and not waste time trying to nail it on the first try at the performed speed.