Curious how you guys might suggest picking this particular lick...see tabs inside

Take a look at this relatively simple, but kinda cool-sounding pentatonic-ish exercise.
I am curious how you guys might suggest picking it.
My picking hand feels much more inclined to pick this economically in a DOWN, DOWN, UP manner for each triplet.
I did try cross-picking!
it, and it seemed ok…but just felt like I was able to do it a bit faster/cleaner with an economic technique.

What about you guys??

I’m just giving economy another try again after a few years. That riff I would currently try as U D U or U D U D D U. That gives a consistent hit order on the 2nd string notes D U - and a consistent U on the 3rd string note or U D alt sound on the 3rd string note.

Having a hard time thinking in my head what 16th note triplets sounds like at 100 BPM, but I’d practice this alternate picked; in a “real” scenario would just span the frets so each group of 6s is on a single string.

I’d do it the same as you, down, down, up. Initially this type of picking pattern feels awkward but once it’s in your repertoire it becomes incredibly effortless to do super fast/clean

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I would economy pick it like you describe. It’s essentially the same idea as the two string Yngwie arpeggios.

That said do what ever you like the sound of more, or both. If you’re faster with economy, and you need to use it in a scenario where you couldn’t other wise play it to tempo, then use economy. If you are using it in a place where speed isn’t an issue, maybe alternate pick it since that seems to be easier to lock into a tempo with.

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Definitely DDU for me. For me it’s the most straightforward way to play it.

down down up
or down-up hammer will give you similar results. this is like two-string triad arpeggios so if you can do this you can do them.
Try it in reverse as well doing down pull off up on the lower string. Or even Up Pull off Down on lower string or D U U if you wish.

If you allow for possibly refingering, and choice to slur some notes rather than pick, there are more ways to play this than there are stars in the universe.

But keeping the notes where they are, and no slurs, I can only think of a few circumstances in which somebody would do pure alternating picking for this:

  1. That’s what they’re used to, so it feels the most natural

  2. They want the slight difference in tone, feel, and rhythm that comes with pure alternate

I’d wager most folks find it easier to do some form of economy…for this riff, DDU is good for “right in the strike zone” USX orientation.