So I was just getting ready to do some chores, but thought to myself “Self, you should mess around with an alternate tuning for a bit today!” And so, I chose DADGAD and started messing about! So I had to fire up the 'ole Helix, create a cool rhythm loop in a key (I chose the one with no sharps or flats) and then did my best to create a thing, y’know a sketch for “later on’s” songwriting sessions or whatever.
I think it’s really cool how an alternate tuning can lead one to take one’s habits and turn them upside down. Still playing rock guitar, and still trying to create cool melodies and licks on top but it’s like it’s in an alternate dimension or something. Really fun! Anyways, just thought I’d share - hope someone likes it!
Also, there’s a bunch of stuff going on here with picking, hahaha kind of at the “almost” stage with it, but I do my best to fake my way through it. Again, hopefully someone digs this short snippet. Quick and dirty soloing over a loop, nothing fancy!