Dart Thrower players?

Does anyone have and good examples of some players who use a dart thrower motion? I’ve been messing around on my guitar and I just can’t get the tall ergonomic mouse grip RDT to work for me… but I can get a pretty heavily supinated dart thrower motion to work for me.

There are a few examples we have - Shawn Lane is the biggest name I can think of, but there’s also Molly Tuttle and John Taylor.

When I’m experimenting with it, I don’t like the tone you get from a trailing edge grip, so I’ve worked into a strange leading edge grip which feels slightly awkward, but works surprisingly well. The motion is USX, can get very fast, and also lends itself into adding in elbow motion as a supplement.

Basically just looking for more players who might be playing the way that I’ve discovered.

No video at the moment - I’ve only just gotten a new guitar and I’d like to fiddle with it and the motion a bit more.

Heavily supinated? I thought all DT motions were pronated? Would be cool to see a video when you feel more comfortable :slight_smile:

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So why do you think the leading edge grip sounds different than the trailing edge grip? It’s true that they’ll first hit the pick a few mm away from each other, but I would have expected them to sound the same.

You are correct; I’ve misremembered the aikido lessons of my youth.

kgk: the issue isn’t so much whether it’s leading or trailing edge picking so much as what the specific grip does for me in terms of edge picking. Trailing edge forces me to be near perpendicular to the strings which gives me a tone I don’t enjoy. Leading edge I can be much closer to parallel.