Dave Davidson of Revocation

Davidson is the guitarist and vocalist for thrash band Revocation. He is also pretty well educated in music, and has some great lessons on youtube covering a lot of different topics. Definitely worth checking out.

This video from a series he did for Jamplay has some great cracking the code style shots. He seems to use a nice varierty of techniques.


My guitar teacher (Jared Smith of Archspire) often uses Revocation and this guy as a reference for stuff in our lessons. His hand setup seems pretty similar to what I’m trying to develop–a more pronated posture but using pick grip to achieve a DWPS for the heavy riffs. Teemu mentions this in his interview as well.


He is a great player and super talented.

wow, your teacher is from archspire? so this may be a little ignorant, but why is someone from Archspire using material from Revocation? I mean, Revocation is good, but Archspire is technically way beyond them.

I hate this guy! and when I say hate, I mean jealous. Look at around 1:45 how he’s doing some tremelo picking but then jumps right into some palm-muted triplets? quadruplets? for me those are two different techniques and switching back that quickly…agggghhh…

Lotta reasons. Revocation is closer to my own tastes and my playing level, though I can’t really play any of Revocation’s stuff either. Jared’s also good friends with Dave and they’ve jammed together on tour and he just knows a lot of their tunes.

Honestly I wouldn’t really enjoy learning Archspire’s music–I don’t care for that tech death stuff.

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