It’s fairly well documented on here by now what stringhopping is (and that it is technically a form of DBX, by escaping on both sides of the string, albeit a slow/inefficient/ not fantastically sustainable one at speed), as well as what the more desirable DBX form is…
But what is the definitive visible difference between the two? Is it just a matter of the V-shape escape pattern of SH being reduced in severity/angle to become U-shaped? Is it simply that one should adopt a supinated / less flat forearm position, because from there, SH is not as possible/less likely to be the natural reflex? Or both? (Or more pronated if that’s the base form/just not a flat forearm?)
At what point exactly does the undesirable V-escape become flat enough, to not count as SH? Or when does the U-escape become too angled - this seems most relevant to me because any departure from lightly supinated RDT DSX taxes my speed too heavily (I know singe-direction-escape is easier to make faster, but the reduction is too much…).
I’m asking because I have decent ‘lightly supinated RDT DSX’ form for most of my fast playing and am hoping to not need to flop drastically towards ‘more exaggeratedly supinated’ form every time I sneak a picked (varying NPS) arpeggio into my lines.
DBX vs SH is described at the very bottom of this link on here, but this is so little to go on (e.g. no video comparison of the two back to back) compared to the depth across the rest of this great platform.