Hi all,
I have recently joined this forum having been a member for the last couple of months after a three year break from guitar.
Now that I have been attempting to rebuild my technique and reacquire the knowledge I had before I gave up, I have been thinking about the whole notion of learning licks/phrases.
My question is, where does one start with learning phrases that can be used? I know that it is easy to learn a whole tonne of licks, but I can’t help thinking about the classical idea of theme and variation where an idea is worked and worked then mutated into different forms, all based on the one idea.
Is this an approach to learning vocabulary that anyone out there has tried? I guess I’m asking this question as I don’t want to waste valuable time busting a gut getting overwhelmed with licks that have no musical context and overly complicating my thinking, if that makes sense?
Any thoughts from you folks would be greatly appreciated!