Differences in sound and feel between chunked and non-chunked playing?

So I had what i thought to be a problem of chunking. I had developed 2 ways of feeling the 6 note Yngwie pattern. One of them evolved from playing it slow and even and the other one from making speed bursts in order to develop my speed. I can switch between them easily but I find the one which developed froom speed bursts much easier. Here is the interesting part: When I play the difference between them is obvious and I could not figure out which of theese feelings is “correct”. So I decided to put on a camera and to play swiitching between them at the same speed. After watching the clip I was very surprised because I could not tell the difference between those two. They sound absolutely identical but feel really different.

So here is my question: does anyone else feel the difference in sound bettwen chunked and I guess “not so chunked” versions of the patterns when playing and do you hear it when listening to yourself on a record?

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