I was watching Primer the other day, the tutorials on RDT wrist motion, and I realized it has actually been updated, what really got my attention was this method of achieving neutral pickslanting, using thumb flexion kinda rolling the pick over the index finger, similar to making an OK sign with the fingers. I’ve been playing around with this recently, I can get a lot of edge picking this way and it kinda has started to become my main way of gripping the pick right now. If I’m not mistaken the previous way of achieving this was by adding more pronation of the forearm until the downward pickslant is gone, the difference for me is that there’s no need to bend the thumb there, that was what I believe to be my previous way of gripping the pick, to me that starts getting into that Paul Gilbert way of holding the pick, the other way with rolling with the thumb is more of a Tremonti way of holding it.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different methods of achieving neutral pickslanting?