Does this exercise cover every aspect of Two-Way Pickslanting?

Uncle Ben’s classic punisher exercise. It seems to me that it covers everything you will encounter when doing two-way pickslanting. What you guys think?

It is interesting that Uncle Ben doesn’t describe how he picks it.

If I had to guess, he didn’t because he talked about it in other installments of the series. But yeah, it’s a two-way exercise.

I could think of at least four ways to pick it.

Well, please, do tell, man.

I’ll give you two examples: if somebody has DBX they can go UDUDUD…

If somebody only wants to do USX but has a DBX motion to address the single string, they can do that, it would be something like (d and u are USX, DU are DBX) dudu DUdu dudu…

Then another one that is from DSX and then another one that is both DSX and USX (that is four), and I can surely think of more variations and mixtures of the above. This is why it would be interesting to know what he meant.