Downward Pick Escape Issue

Has anyone had an issue when using downward pick escape where the pick kind of slightly rakes across the string causing some unwanted noise? Thanks for any insight.


Post a video that clearly shows your motion!

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Yes, I have plenty of issues it seems and this is one of several. I’m usually muted (index finger) when I touch the string while transitioning, it kind of startles me and messes up my momentum. This normally happens when I am ascending using DSX. However, I descend mostly using USX and this motion (while only descending) looks better (nice angle and clearance) and it feels nice. However, the ascending DSX angle is sometimes too flat and there is a glitch at the top of it.

For whatever reason, I’ve always found it easier to descend lines rather than ascend. Even to this day, the speeds are fairly close but I find it much more comfortable and relaxed to descend.

On a side note, I really want my attack and tone to be the same for both downstroke and upstroke but this is also a difficult thing for me to do.

In summary, I can relate to DSX (swiping) which is the name on this forum for making contact while crossing from one string to the next.