DSX illustrated by Chat GPT4

I’m somewhat confused by this illustration to put it mildly.


Saving up for that extra finger so I can do some downdom pick satting on my strngs chaanges.


The only problem I can spot is that it’s showing USX, looks fine otherwise.

This is hilarious. I’d love to see the full prompt you used.

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If anyone has been to the Guitar Center on Sunset Blvd, you’ve probably seen Vai’s hand prints. Very similar to pic…. lol

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Captured in the image name, try it! (“Create an informative diagram illustrating the concept of Troy Grady’s Downward Pick-Slanting (DSX) technique for guitar playing.”)

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Thanks, this diagram has finally got me to wrap my head around the concept and now I can play with it confidently.

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Troy should have specified that you need a 6th finger to achieve the escape motion.

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