Here is the lick and one of the questions would be about this
I play much easier down-up-down-down , and it also work great in the context, so which want do i choose to study better ? so i can reiuse in other contexts too ?
Also how would it be called as all other lick is “economy/directional” as in, everytime u change string u pick in the direction of the string u going to, but if i choose to do those 4 notes differently, what would i call that? so i can remember it and reuse the same way of thinking ? A " break from economy with alternative going back to eocnomy like a “reset” in the patern?
Im new to banomassa and these type of licks and i really wanna learn more on how to choose witch patern to use, could yall also link me vids of troy where i can get into these ? banomassa/eric johson / fast pentatonic bluesy stuff.
Thank u <3