EJ 2nps pentatonics

I reckon I’m going to give it a try gain with the first three fingers , to see whether it’s the difference that will make the difference in how comfortable it is for me to play fast and smooth cascading pentatonics. I focus so much on what my right hand is doing that I neglect the potential inefficiency/weakness of the right hand.

I mean the left hand…

So the ongoing saga of technique and the latest is that I think I’ve figured what wa happening to deteriorate my newfound technique. When I was having success with the EJ stuff, the loose fingers of my right hand were curled up in sympathy with the first finger as it holds the pick against my thumb: like a loose fist. Yesterday, I had stopped doing that for some reason but didn’t realise it. Now the technique feels faster and more accurate with better articulation too. God knows why that would have made any difference but can only think it was something to do with hand balance