Hey dudes,
I’m struggling with fast alternate picking and not sure if I’m doing it correctly. I’ve already made a post about this, and I’m now convinced that my speed barrier isn’t caused by stringhopping but rather by the movement itself.
Specifically, I notice with a certain lick (see videos – starting at 110 bpm with 16th note triplets and ending at 140 bpm) that I hit my limit at around 130 bpm. I think I’m picking too much from my arm (elbow movement?). At higher speeds, I feel like I’m losing control, and after longer practice sessions, I also experience slight fatigue in my elbow. You can already see at 110 bpm that I start using my arm slightly, and at 140, it get’s completely out of control.
I’ve been practicing a lot and have been stuck on this plateau for what feels like forever. Recently, I tried starting this exercise at 80 bpm and gradually increasing the tempo each week, but I just can’t break through my speed barrier. From what I understand, proper picking should come almost exclusively from the wrist, right? Or maybe some arm involvement is fine at higher speeds, but then control starts to slip.
My plan now is to start over again from the beginning and really focus on picking exclusively with my wrist. When I do the “tremolo test,” I notice that I tend to either:
A) naturally default to using my elbow, or
B) after some time, I can manage 140 bpm with only (or mostly) my wrist, but only on a single string.
Do you have any tips on how to fix this and improve?
Thanks in advance!