First impression after a few months

I’m from Sweden and would like to introduce myself here and will give a few thoughts on cracking the code after some time with it.
I’ve been playing guitar for a long time, must be close to 30 years now. Have been doing my share of pub gigs, but nowadays I only play at home for my own pleasure.
2 years ago I changed the way I hold the pick. It was a struggle, but it now feels very natural and has improved my skills.
I’ve always had problems with speed in certain situations, especially when doing fast runs, jumping from higher to lower strings. Stumbled upon Troy’s YT channel and it seemed really interesting so I took the plunge and bought the Volcano class.
I must say, it was truly a revelation. Pretty steep downward pickslanting and always make sure doing an upstroke going to a lower string made a huge difference. It’s still an ongoing process, unintentionally I often fall back to old habits but I’m getting there…
It’s not without drawbacks though, downward pickslanting makes things like multistring (one note per string) arpeggios going from first to lower string virtually impossible without angling the pick to upwards slant. This is something I need to work on, to change the slant while playing.
But I’m really satisfied, I can now play Yngwie licks in proper speed that I couldn’t dream of managing before…
I’d recommend this class to anyone looking to improve speed and accuracy. Great stuff!


Hey, welcome to the forum! Great to hear how our material (and Volcano in particular) has been helpful, thanks for sharing your experience. See you around the forum…and if there’s anything we can help with just let us know!

The only regret I have is not discovering this before. Would have saved me a lot of time and frustration when hitting the wall due to my bad technique.


Thanks for posting this and giving your feedback. I’m new and just purchased the volcano for some of the exact same reasons. I hope I get similar results as you have.