After initially playing with Jazz III XL picks, I found the standard ones slightly too thick (they are 1.4 mm thick) for rhythm guitar playing (a pain since I do a mixture of that and “lead” playing and it isn’t practical to switch pick in the middle of playing) and sort out 1 mm thick variants which are a bit “grippier” (the standard Jazz III XL is okay-ish for this but I think the only actual 1 mm thick version at the time was the Tortex picks which I find too smooth). So I eventually settled on the 1 mm version of the James Hetfield White Fang signature which is a Dunlop Flow pick with a “max grip” surface. Recently, Dunlop brought out signature picks for Mick Thomson which would appear to be more similar as they are 1 mm Jazz III XL picks with a slightly grippier surface than usual. Having tried these out, they seem okay; but I may prefer the James Hetfield White Fang picks that I settled on earlier. I was wondering what the differences are between the Flow and Jazz III XL picks are really? They are a very similar shape and size. Troy discusses the bevelling of the Jazz III picks in a video which is the same as for the larger Jazz III XL picks. How is that different - if at all - for the Flow picks?
There are a few threads on this general topic already; but they’re all quite old and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to resurrect them with my specific questions which are a bit different,