For those about to pick I salute you

Hello guitarists,

I am from Bangladesh. I have started learning guitar from last year. Probably from March or April. It was one of my nephews who knew some open chords helped me starting the journey. I was always interested in playing guitar. It was mid 90s. I was a school student. The first Heavy Metal track that I listened was CFH. One of my friends told me that the intro was done by guitar and I was all charged up. But during that time there were a few shops in Dhaka (the city I live in) and they were cheap guitar but not so cheap in price. Someone having a guitar was rare. And finding a tutor! Dream thinking about it. After many years I bought this guitar. I had to start with the open chords. I did not even know about finger exercise or warming up until few months after practicing on the things I know I suddenly saw some tutorial content in YouTube. Since then YouTube is my main ingredients of meal. Now I can change chords and strum pretty well, I am good at finger picking and do a little bit of hybrid picking too. I can alternate pick, but these are not that fast. 60 BPM at most. I am not good at improvising on scales (I just don’t know how to do that). I have tried to get it faster after few seconds my wrist gets tired. Actually, I do not know whether I should ask it here, If someone could provide a chronological syllabus it on what to learn would be very much helpful. If this place is not meant for that please pardon me or it has been done somewhere here already please provide the link. I find it fascinating to discuss about different cultures, specially the Heavy Metal scenario of their country. I think I have written a lot here. If you guys don’t find it boring that would be good enough.


Hello, I am from Peru a country very far from yours but I loved the reference to AC / DC haha!
A pleasure that you are passionate about the six strings. There are many Routine practice topics on the forum.
But if it is with respect to the theory you should start with intervals, scales and how chords are formed in that order.
In order to improvise I think you should develop a good technique if your hand gets tired you will be doing something wrong.
I recommend you see The Four Fundamental Pickstrokes:

And don’t worry about writing too much, I’m still writing a presentation that looks like the first chapter of a novel haha

Greetings and welcome!


Hi angelesjonathan2,
Sorry for late reply. I did not checked the forum recently. There are a lot to learn from this site. It was really kind of you that you have answered. I have little knowledge in theory. I know how chords are formed ( from major scales and they are basically stacked in thirds ). I have theory questions which I shall post if needed.

I have heard about Peru. It’s in South America. I think the Incas use to reside here. Are you near to Amazon? The river and the forest?
Thanks dude it was really great to get that answer from you

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