Forum member progress record

Hi @Troy and other team members. I have a suggestion… I was thinking how cool it would be if we had as part of our forum account, a profile page that we could use to record our progress and practice. I imagine it being in an extension to the technique critique areas on the forum where we can post updates (forum posts and videos etc) on our own progress and can request member input. Members can view other members profile pages which could be accessed through one page. There are some great clips of member’s playing and I would love to be able to follow people’s journey as I find it inspiring and helpful when someone has the same issues as you. You could even have progress plotted as graphs against dates to reveal your actual practice time vs what you think you did…

I have no idea on the technical hurdles of the above or whether you have thought of this before, but it would be great to hear what you think!


Just wanted to say I think this is a cool idea. In other forums I’ve been in there would sometimes be a sub-forum for personal logs. So you could follow the ‘Dan Johnson’ log if you wanted to and keep up with his progress, or just ignore it, users choice. ‘Dan’ would simply start a thread and it would be his. Also kind of cool to have a designated place to be self-involved, focus on your own issues, and not feel like you’re taking up too much space on other sub forums or threads.

And in this forum if anybody didn’t want to see the logs or specific logs they could just turn on the ‘mute’ button and it wouldn’t show up in their searches.

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It would be great to have a set format in some way so that specific things could be tracked as well as just putting up random videos. There have been a few posts regarding how long things take to learn, so some sort of log would maybe give us some evidence on the subject…

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Hmm, well, there are time stamps on the posts, right? Or do you mean something more detailed than that?

Because I could imagine somebody posting something on Feb 25th 2018 and saying “Here I am doing X at 120 bpm” then if in April they do a new post, we can look back and see their bpm and date of the 2/25 post.

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I’m probably over egging the pudding to be fair, but I love to track progress and maybe some sort of framework that sets out different practice styles (random, distributed etc.) would be interesting. As you say, maybe just a place to post would be enough?

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Yeah this is definitely a cool idea! Something we’ve thought a bit about… I think there are probably several directions we could go with more advanced features for this kind of thing, and I know Troy has ideas on what could be cool too. For now it strikes me that we could probably use #technique-critique with a bit more structured approach to achieve some of this with the existing capabilities of the forum.

The advanced search on the forum is pretty powerful and may come in handy here; one targeted search you could do, for example, is pull up every post made by a particular user in the Technique Critique category, ordered by date. E.g. this turns up five posts by Tommo (using him as example just b/c he has several):

I’d totally encourage anyone who likes to make a new topic in #technique-critique say once a month or something, to share progress over time. Then at some point maybe we can add a better way to make this findable e.g. on each user’s profile page.

This wouldn’t really serve the same function as like a daily practice log, as I can imagine that might clutter things / require some new structure…but for occasional progress snapshots could work pretty well. We can definitely consider ideas for future extended functionality too like a way to log practice time, videos, etc. more granularly. Feel free to add further suggestions here as well!

Ops, I may have overdone this :sweat_smile: Will not open more threads but put new stuff in the existing ones which include all the things I am working on - this may also help to assess my progress (if any)!

Ha no worries your posts are all great! And I think totally reasonable quantity for the record :smiley:

In general I think it’s fine to have one “my technical progress” thread and update periodically, or open a new topic every so often. The latter is probably more searchable / logically structured if you’re sharing something new w/ each update. If it’s updating re: progress on something already discussed prob makes sense to add to existing threads. Basically whatever you prefer is cool with us!

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