Fretting fingers on descending chromatic or 3 note per string exercises

Hello people,
On descending scales / exercises, are the fretting hand fingers being placed on the fingerboard in one movement and then release one at a time through the passage or do you place them one at a time as well?

Thanks so much!

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never thought much of it but I just checked lol.

for picking licks…its pretty much one at a time.

I think one reason is that u might have many variations, so u might not need to commit all of the fingers beforehand etc.

Like if I do this:


from that point I might just go back up


or I might go down one more note then back up


or I might go all the way down


So im not going to pre-place all of the fingers onto the B string at one time.

Also, if u tried to do it that way youd probably just have a mess of string noise. The “stay behind” fingers are also muting etc

Beginner: Places all the fingers on the new string at once.

Intermediate: Places the fingers only as they are needed.

Advanced: Realises that the fingers are never ‘placed’ anywhere.

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