G'day from South Australia

Howdy all,

I hope you are well, and greetings from wine country in South Australia.

I finished an album last year, and since then everything has gone backwards. I have been focussing on trying to undo years of lazy technique and bad habits, but it just seems like I’m getting nowhere. In fact, things seem like they’re getting worse! Some days it seems like I have just picked up the guitar for the first time, so I’m trying going back to basics to see if I can make any progress.

I think I am a DSX player, but my picking seems really, really flat and since focussing on alternate picking (I have been using a lot of legato because it sounds way cleaner) and changing strings sounds noisy and messy. At lower speeds, I think I am stringhopping.

I’ve been through the Pickslanting Primer videos and am unsure of what to do next. My picking doesn’t seem to have any angle to it at all. Perhaps the next phase is to record some videos and request some feedback?

Anyway, good to meet everyone, and thanks for reading. As my dad always says “a problem shared, is a trouble, doubled!” (he’s joking of course - or is he? :scream:).


Carl :metal: :heart:


Welcome @carlyman :slight_smile:

Yep! There are many great players on this forum who will be able to give insightful feedback, and diagnose issues you may have :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum and good luck!


Thanks mate!

It’s been a pretty emotional ride this year. I’ve gone back to basics, playing 4-note chromatics and 3-note scales, and I feel like I’m getting close some days. I’m still tripping myself up switching strings, there’s not the fluidity there, and my technique is now so unreliable; there’s absolutely no way I can gig currently. Anyway, the progress has been enormously frustrating and sometimes I’m close to chucking it in. We all have these periods I suppose.

Thanks again! :metal: :heart: