George Benson from another planet?

I was just watching a few videos from George Benson, and I just couldn´t believe the lines that this man was playing. I remember Troy saying that he is a downwarpickslanter (I may be wrong about this). So, my question is, how do you think he can do this? @Troy, I would love to hear your thoughts on his technique. And if maybe one day you get him to record some stuff, that would be awesome.


I used to play this song in High School Jazz Band. I never knew who did it! LMFAO!

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This doesn’t necessarily answer your question, just goes into more detail about George Benson’s right hand technique. For what it’s worth, I tried it, but didn’t stick with it long enough to see any improvement in my playing. Good luck!


I nerded out over that article pretty hard and switched over to Benson grip for a good year.

For the things it’s good for, it’s pretty amazing.

But it’s not great for chicken picking or bluegrassy cross picking or gigs where you’re strumming a lot.

Ultimately I went back to the conventional grip.