George Bensons descending 4's pentatonic lick on "This Masquerade"?

So I’ve recently been listening to George Benson again, as I do every so often, and I’ve come back to a lick that’s always bugged me picking wise. It’s a descending fours lick in F minor pentatonic (he does add a G note though) that he plays during the solo.

Here he is playing it at 4:09:

Also here’s a transcription I found from a book by Wolf Marshall:

My trouble comes in when I try picking this lick. It sounds like he’s picking every note on the record but when I’ve tried playing it like that, I run into a lot of problems. I can play the sequence slowly of course, but when I try to match the tempo on the record, it feels really inconsistent. The lick doesn’t fall apart completely but it’s super sloppy and I feel like I’m fighting the strings all of the time. It’s not that fast of a lick either, compared to Georges other blazing licks, so it’s bugging me even more.

I’m primarily a DWPS by the way. I know it’s been mentioned that George is a DWPS most of the time, but it seems like playing this lick cleanly with strict DWPS is impossible. The single notes on the B,G, and D strings would make the picking flip constantly. It doesn’t sound like he’s swiping so could it possibly be cross picking?

I just watched another video where he plays the lick, or something similar at 3:17:

It doesn’t look like he’s picking every note here, so I’m wondering if he did something similar on the record.

Any help and input would be greatly appreciated!

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So I’d venture to say he’s either not picking every note here or the transcription isn’t correct. The notes are obviously correct but he may be fingering the lick differently. He likes to use 4nps scales.

I think I’d agree more with he’s not picking every note based on the 2nd video, because he’s playing a 2nps pattern in that one.

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Could be right. Or maybe he’s hybrid picking a note here and there. Not sure if he does that.

well instead of keeping it in the same position move down a position on the fret board similar to what troy did for his pentatonic puzzle and the fours can be done with downward pickslanting only.


Yeah and we are probably too obsessed with picking every note around here :wink:

A couple of hammer ons and/or pull offs make the pentatonic 4s much easier and playable with dwps.

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