Guitar Holy Grail?

6000 lol man, some guitars are ridiculous…

I notice it’s got the true tempered frets. I think I’d rather get a midi pick up to get a proper intonation over the wavy frets. Tho they are expensive too…

I’d love one too, I didn’t know they were not made anymore?

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Yeah the company finished up a long time ago now unfortunately. So the only way to get one is used and extremely expensive :worried:

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I remember playing one early on. Nice instrument. Not sure how they faired when they were sold to US Music Corp (2003).

Factoid: Ken Parker rightly gets most of the credit, but he and Lawrence Fishman (Fishman Electronics, anyone?) shared several patents used in the guitar.

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I never knew that! I have fishman pups in my Ibanez. Sound great to my ears!

Epiphone re-released those in the later naughts for a period. Wouldn’t have been too hard to add the mini and super distortion, don’t know about the Kahler though unless you really wanted it to be an exact replica of his guitar. They didn’t come in pink or green either I think both Bruce and Paul did that.

I still have a ‘97 USA patent pending that I bought in high school after working and saving all year.


I actually played some Gretsch guitars yesterday in a store for the first time. I was amazed at how nice they were to play! I didn’t plug in but was curious as to the feel of the instrument. These guitars are unbelievable! The neck playability was possibly the best I have ever experienced. Just so enjoyable to play. I was playing some alt picked shred licks - testing it out - soooo comfortable. I was playing high end Gretsch guitars - have yet to test the cheaper ones. Also the build quality was just gorgeous!

As I said I haven’t plugged one in yet - but would highly recommend checking them out for anyone who is into shred and guitar ergonaomics.


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I’ve had my ups and downs with this one, but it’s turned out to be my holy grail guitar.
It’s a custom Lentz Croydon Carvetop I had commissioned years ago. Took a while to warm up to the humbuckers, had to get past the YJM fixation to vibe with it.

A short clip of what it sounds like, some random party playing…

I’ve really grown to love this guitar, it was build to my specs on the neck carve, notice no taper, it’s depth is even nut to heel, like a old tele, but so comfortable it’s unreal.


I don’t really have a dream guitar per se, but I definitely have guitars I want in the moment, then the moment is gone and I want something else, or realize I have too many guitars and don’t need anything else. At this brief point in time I kind of want one of the 90’s jackson mahogany fusion hh’s. Mostly because it was the first jackson I ever played and I remember my 13 or 14 year old self thought it was cool especially because it had a 24.74” scale. Don’t know what I would think about it now, which is kind of why I want one.


That guitar always looked like it was a lighter laffy taffy purple to me. It didn’t look metallic or on the burgundy side. It is the same guitar he plays on the down to Mexico intro at the beginning of intense rock ii, but at this point he altered it - blocked out where he had a trem, put on the plastic f holes, different pickups etc. Originally he had a kahler on it and Duncan mini in the neck but there is a bit of a controversy about what exact bridge pickup was in it. Likely doesn’t matter though. Most of the sound he has in that video is from the MP-1. Those just sound like that no matter what you put into it.

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Yeah, something I found out the hard way when I used to dabble in graphics is how much colours can change depending on the medium. If you look at different sources that guitar never looks the same way in any two . . . if you do a Google image search the pics from Intense Rock 1 are much darker than the others including the Down to Mexico clip.

One thing I will say, I did a fit-test before rewiring my PJM 301 and damn, those things play like a dream. (Funnily enough I’m not that much of a Gilbert fan but for years the PGM was pretty much the only guitar I played. Hated the f-holes so much I sanded the top but what a pleasure to play on.)

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Funny and related thing about that. I mentioned above about the early 90’s fusion, but I do own two early 90’s dinky Rev’s. One is a sort of metallic red color, but the gradient of the color isn’t consistent and in different light it looks different. Some red some a metallic fuchsia. If you look straight down on it you see it is two different colors fading into each other.

For the longest time I thought this was a mistake at the spray booth, but it wasn’t until a couple of months ago I found out this was on purpose and it was supposed to be a mirage color. I have owned the guitar since 1998.