Guitar Solo recommendations to learn with CtC technique

Ok, so after a few years on the forum, it finally occured to me to ask-what are some of the meat and potato solo transcriptions that I can learn with my pop-tarts and Volcano motions? I do some dsx too i think…I assume you’ll point me to some yngwie solos, but I love the idea of taking these skills and applying them to solos that use our mechanics directly…THANKS

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Since you mentioned pop tarts and volcano, I assume you are asking specifically about upstroke-escape solo right? (USX)

Depending on the style, others may come up with valuable recommendations. For sure pretty much the entire Django Reinhardt discography shold work with that (see also Joscho Stephan interview).

I think a good idea is also to write your own USX solos, or modify a bit the solos you already know so they become playable with USX.

Quite a while ago I wrote a couple of short etudes along these lines:


Thank you! I will give these a try! Anyone else? I was thinking maybe to try a JTC course and learn those?