Hand likes a downward slant on top 4 strings but an EVH slant on the lowest 2

Right away I get good, fast results doing single string tremolo or 3nps on two adjacent strings doing either upward or downward slant.

Problem is, i have really large hands and getting a downward slanting alternatinf motion on the bottom sixth string in particular is just not happening. If i switch to an evh upward slant i can chainsaw the lower two strings like nothing.

This is causing me issues on longer riffs where I go from low to high and back again. I dont want to change grips mid-riff.

I have no issues going from economy to alternating like brandon does here. Its just those lower strings!

Anyone else have this problem

Why not post a technique critique video given that you’re a member, you’ll have an expert review!

I dont own the patented phone holder haha will have to come up with a method of recording my picking hand

Well i sure figured that shit out.

Some small adjustment in my hand placement fixed it. Getting great speed results right out of the gate now. Was just katana GO shredding on my patio in my boxers. Cant wait to see how this looks in a few months!