Hanky Pooh's Picking

Hey, I used painter’s tape. Peel the tape off after you spray it. I will post a video Friday on it :wink::wink:



Cool vid Hank! Be careful with that spray paint and make sure you have plenty of ventilation. :star_struck:


LOL, thanks @aliendough ! I know, I should have used a mask. I never paint things so maybe one painting won’t kill me. There was a sliding glass door open, and I walked outside a lot (cut out of video).


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It’s wise to look up the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for whatever product you are spraying, and use protective equipment suitable for your use of that product. In some cases, ventilation alone may be sufficient to limit your exposure to an “acceptable” level, but in other cases, protective equipment will be necessary to use the product safely. Do your homework, and pay attention to the MSDS.

Even though I don’t work with hazardous stuff often, I still like to err on the side of caution, especially when it comes to my eyes and my lungs.

The site below has some interesting general advice about lung protection:


I have one black Kramer left. And I think I’m going to (red/white/black) 5150 that one. I never paint so wasn’t thinking. I’ll wear a mask on the next one. That’ll probably be the last guitar I paint because I don’t like being exposed to the chemicals. I just really hate black guitars. But I got them so cheap I couldn’t resist.


That tasty squeal note at :12 :heart_eyes:

lol Thanks Ian! I actually think the jam at 5:15 sounds pretty good. I’m screwing off, but I like the tone.


Yo, I gotta message warning this morning y’all. I’m gonna bounce. I’m Hank Coffey on YouTube and Social Media if anyone wants to stay in touch!

Peace Out!