Hello from Cologne, Germany

Hi, I’m Seni and I play guitar for a long time now. Still trying to improve in many aspects. Just bought the primer and I would like to build my magnet, but I have trouble to aquire all the parts. McMaster won’t ship to Germany and even with an adress in the US they won’t ship to it. Is there an alternative shop in Europe to buy the parts?



Hey Landsmann, habe mir einen aus einer Handyklemme und einer Holzklemme gebaut nach einer Anleitung bei YouTube…
War irgendwann mal unter einem Video von Troy verlinkt.



I believe at least a few folks from Europe have assembled a DIY Magnet!

I’d suggest trying to find a store / supplier locally with a wide selection, and trying to find whatever parts they have that are closest to the ones we used. I suppose you’ll want to convert the specs on the parts we used to metric to have an easier time finding similar ones.

You may have to experiment a bit, but for most of the parts, as long as they fit inside the plastic body parts, they don’t have to be super exact.

Otherwise I imagine there must be somewhere you can order parts from online in Europe, though I don’t have specific suggestions. Maybe give these a look?


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Hi, thanks for the link. I finally managed to order at McMaster with borderlinx. Hope the stuff will really get to my place.