Hello Everybody.
My name is Tom. I’m a mathematician and an amateur guitar player from Ireland.
I took lessons for many years from an excellent teacher who stressed the importance of alternate picking technique early. He introduced me to the music of Eric Johnson, Steve Morse, Al DiMeola, Paul Gilbert and other players with excellent picking technique. Under his direction, I learned to play pieces by these players cleanly and up to tempo (including Cliffs of Dover by Johnson, Tumeni Notes by Morse and Scarified by Gilbert). I played all of them with strict alternate picking.
I am very analytical by nature and I was able to derive two-way pick slanting and crosspicking movements as a teenager by thinking about picking as a geometric problem with certain constraints. I practiced incessantly.
When Eric Johnson’s Total Electric Guitar and The Fine Art of Guitar were reissued on DVD, I studied both videos very carefully. I was able to deconstruct Eric’s picking system and incorporate it into my own playing.
Later, I began trying to develop a more legato sound, primarily inspired by Allan Holdsworth and Brett Garsed, and I began to incorporate more hybrid picking into by lead playing.
After watching some of Troy’s video’s on YouTube and noticing that his terminology was frequently appearing in online discussions, I decided to try subscribing to Masters In Mechanics for a while.
Even with what I already understood about the mechanics of picking technique, I feel that I got a lot of value from my subscription. I never knew that Yngwie Malmsteen’s picking system was so similar to Eric Johnson’s. I also didn’t know that swiping existed.
I think the interview with Marshall Harrison has been most valuable to me. I’d never been very comfortable with sweep picking and the interview really gave me an insight into how to arrange sequences so they could be swept. Coupled with Harrison’s lessons on “swybrid” picking on YouTube, this was a revelation.
I had some reservations about joining this forum initially. Between work, time spent with my girlfriend and my own playing, I doubt I will have much time to contribute regularly to this forum. I’ve also found online discussions to be very hostile in the past, in particular when I had mentioned I had independently discovered and learned some of the concepts discussed in Masters In Mechanics.
However, I feel I could contribute something of value to this forum, even if I do so infrequently. I can be pretty long-winded when I write, so I think I’ll leave it here for now!