Hello from Poland, new member here

Hi, my name’s Jakub and I live in Poland, nice to meet y’all!
I’m 23 and I started playing guitar around 10, but had a long hiatus until around two years ago. Only since then have I been practicing with any consistency, so I would consider myself a beginner/early intermediate.

I mostly gravitate towards jazz, blues, rock and funk. For about a year now I’ve had lessons with a teacher, but there’s only so much you can work on during them, so I was looking for knowledge around the internet and that’s how I found this place. I’ve only recently started watching the Primer. Currently I’m stuck at 170-180 bpm sixteenth notes tremolo picking and half that when switching strings, my fretting hand needs a lot of work.

See you around the forum!


Hi_Jakub, Welcome!!!.

(posting need to recognize 20 ASCII chars to let you post that’s why the !!!)

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