Help deciphering Shawn Lane lick fingerings

I’m transcribing a lick from this video and there is a point where I swear I hear a low Bb on the E string around 49:16 yet he never seems to move down to the 6th fret in order to play it. I considered that he might be playing in drop D, but that would require him to play at the 6th or 13th fret in order to play the Eb before it, which he never does.

Here is the transcription so far:

I’ve only focused on getting the notes down so far, so many of the fingerings might be incorrect as well, but this Bb (measure 3) is far more concerning to me at the moment. He seems to stay in one position throughout the lick.

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Bb on 4th string plus (maybe unintentional) F on 5th string. The F is there the third time too, which should also have a C on 6th string as next note like the first two instances.

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you should add in hybrid picking notation. i am listening right now 25% baby gotta love that youtube wavery slowdown chunky butter see what i notice.

Something like this?

I can definitely hear it the second time, not so much the first time, but this definitely does ‘conjure’ that low Bb!

this starts at 49:13 right? i hear 11 10 11 8 11

he holds that note over from a previous lick, I just wanted to include the sixteenth note run