Holy Moly! Taha from the UK

Hi everyone,

so I’m a long time masters in mechanics member but only just realised that I had access to the troygrady website and forum with my masters in mechanics. I’ve been pretty absorbed trying to get through all that stuff so forgive me!

A little about me - I’m 32 and have been playing since I was 18. I first came across @Troy very early and many years before he launched masters in mechanics/the website and frankly was completely intrigued. Every few months for years ( I mean that quite literally) I checked back to see if the promised land of actually decoding techniques I really struggled with had emerged. I kind of gave up and then like a phoenix rising, Troy burst onto the scene.

Over the last two years I’ve been obsessively and meticulously practising the volcano and cascade seminar licks. I chose them because frankly I love Malmsteen and Eric Johnson and I realised that they essentially have very similar picking mechanics, meaning I could get more for my practicing buck! I’ve yet to tackle antigravity or cross picking properly but am looking forward to it.

Ultimately, all I can say is that my playing has jumped in quantum leaps since I started with this whole thing. Even my friends and family have been astounded which feels great. I can finally tackle a few of my favourite songs without sounding completely ridiculous and get somewhat close to what the original recording would sound like. It’s funny because the whole bounce picking thing is something I distinctly remember being insanely frustrated by whenever I tried to play fast. Before all of this came out, I had started to develop a two way pickslanting technique that I still use for some of my really weird, asymmetrical licks with random numbers of notes on various strings.

I look forward to posting stuff and becoming part of this community.

And @Troy, Sensei, thank you again and always!

Your disciple, Taha


Hi Taha, welcome to the forum! Thanks for being a long-time subscriber and glad to hear Cracking the Code has had a positive impact on your playing :slight_smile: Let us know if you have any questions about the site / forum / etc.