How do I fix string hopping?

I’ve been working through the Pickslanting Primer for several months, and I still have problems with string hopping. When I play on a single string it’s not bad, although I see in my video that I’m not getting much string escape. But when I start switching strings I revert to string hopping. I have been playing this way for decades, so I think I have engrained the string hopping pattern. How do I fix this?

I would reverse your question.

  1. What motion are you trying to accomplish?
  2. Are you getting closer to it?
  3. You are a member and can also get expert analysis!

I was hoping to get that expert analysis by posting here. Is there someplace else I need to post this?

I am trying to do downward pick slanting with upward escape motion.

What kgk is driving at is making a Technique Critique.

What I can tell you right away is that neither of these things are happening. If you observe your first video, you can see you are doing rest strokes on the G string, so this motion is either DSX or potentially trapped (no escaping pickstrokes). But it wants to be DSX, and that would be the quickest thing you could make happen, I’d bet. USX is a different animal.

You’d probably have better success trying something like Gilbert sixes, which is basically a 3 note per string scale played: A B C D E F, D E F G A B, G A B C D E etc…

Last little tip, don’t bake-in slo-mo on your videos, upload at full speed.

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Thanks for the reply. What is meant by making a Technique Critique? Isn’t this the Technique Critique section of the forum? I thought that by posting a video here I would get an expert analysis of it.

I can see in the first video that it is trapped. I can do the USX at slow speed, but as I speed up it reverts back to this.

The second video appears to have some USX as I switch strings, but overall not really happening.

I have been playing for decades, but have never been able to develop much speed. I think my problems are string hopping and left/right hand synchronization. I am wondering how to correct these bad techniques, which have been ingrained through decades of playing this way. I can do the proper movements at slow speed, and it feels like I’m still doing them when I speed up, but when I look at my video I see that it goes back to the old patterns.

A platform Technique Critique. I agree having this area of the forum with the same name is a little confusing. Go to your dashboard, scroll down to “activity”, and click on TC. Follow the instructions from there.

That said, plenty of knowledgeable people on the forum.

It’s string-hopping. That’s part of why I said not to do the baked-in slo-mo, because I imagine the tempo here was relatively slow, and that won’t be helpful in trying to acquire a fast technique.

I think that putting USX on the backburner for a bit and trying DSX-friendly ideas could potentially yield great results. There’s an entire seminar dedicated to DSX if you’re looking for material to try - it’s called Metronomic Rock.


Could this be why some people use a metronome and advance it by a few clicks at a time to ensure that they can continue to play something correctly? :thinking: Most people here would reject this, but perhaps it would work for you.