Howdy, I’ve spent a great deal of time over the past few months reprogramming my picking hand after a decade of string hopping. I think my new motion is “the one” which is very exciting! I’ve been splitting my practice up between single string bursts, I can do around 8 beats at 180bpm 16th notes before things get tense. Every few days I’m able to add a beat or so.
I’ve also been practicing a 8 measure run (even notes per string change) with a goal of 170bpm 16th. I’ve been translating my fast motion to slower speeds in order to practice this, and making sure the string hopping motion isn’t occurring. I can do it cleanly around 120bpm. Also been practicing smaller chucks of it around 140bpm.
I’m just curious from those who have climbed the alternate picking ladder, how fast do expect progress? Will it take a week to increase my speed 5bpm? Should I see progress day to day ? Will it take years to meet my goal ?
I guess, How long should I practice a motion before asking myself if this is working.