Haha, it definitely is. Anything under this I could do with my old inefficient motion that was a little painful and felt like a lot of work.
I learnt both of my new efficient motions using this speed as a baseline and they both now feel comfortable playing at 200bpm 16th notes
All that being said, this is just my anecdotal experience but I think it can be really useful having a certain speed to aim for, just so you know if what you’re doing is actually working. I’ve seen a number of motion critique videos and most people working below this speed seem to be using an inefficient motion, that or they will play faster but only in very short bursts.
I’m currently trying to find a baseline for DBX, I remember seeing a post where @joebegly asked Troy a similar thing and he said to aim for around 150bpm 16th notes. That seems to match with what I’m finding at the moment, this week I was making some progress at 130bpm 16th notes but it was a little tiring, after noticing this and focusing on the feeling of effortless and practicing rolls between 140-150bpm 16th notes I feel like I had a major breakthrough yesterday although I can’t say for sure as it’s still very early.