How to convert 3 string sweep arpeggios from USX to DSX friendly?

So we are talking about this type of picking pattern used by USX players where you can accent on the upstroke of the top E string:


But for DSX I find it starts to fall apart when picking up the speed because it requires DBX motion to pull this off as a DSX main player. What are the solutions some of you DSX players have found? The options I see are to hammer on the note on the B string when descending instead of picking it, OR picking the bottom note twice using trapped motion but I find that doesn’t sound too good and tends to mess the rhythm up a bit specially if one isn’t playing at hyper speeds.

Jeff Loomis is probably a good guy to study because he plays this sort of pattern a lot, however he doesn’t have a strict USX alternate picking mode. He picks these as you have them written: those B string upstrokes look either very shallow or maybe even occasionally airballs.

Be aware when he demonstrates the arpeggios slowly he is picking completely randomly. haha

For those 3 string guys, they can be swept but I personally prefer to hybrid pick them. When doing just “sweep” I try to keep it clean, but I notice those two consecutive upstrokes tend to invite a swipe or even an extra note. The idea is that the first upstroke is rotation to clear the string and then downstrokes… Hopefully helpful? lol Poorly executed hahaha

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Dt = downstroke that is trapped
Uf = upstroke that is free

I would attempt something like this with no DBX, but take what I say with skepticism:

Dt Dt Dt Ut PO Uf Dt Dt Dt Ut PO

If you insist on pure DSX only, the simplest solution is to re-finger the pattern: pretty easy with dim7. 2 notes on G, one on B, one on high E. Major and minor triads are a little wonky, though some shapes aren’t bad.


yep sometimes looks like he might be sweeping upwards coming of that E string but sometimes he misses completely or barely plays it, so I guess the hammer on approach on that B string is a good solution, just gonna take some work to coordinate it but it should work.

Well I’d say I’m trying to avoid the USX string change, but it could be something like a trapped motion solution aswell. But hasn’t worked too well for me because you basically end up hitting the bottom note twice, it might work for super fast speed like a Jacky Vincent or Rusty Cooley, that’s what Jacky does anyway but he’s always playing those at super speeds which is slower than a Malmsteen or a Syu, and hitting it twice at the bottom is hard to really get a clean sound for me.

yes not only the two upstrokes, but also one ends up playing the bottom note twice and that also tends to make it not as clean sounding and can even mess with the rhythm a little bit.

Andre Nieri style :joy:

I’m not sure what MAB does? He usually plays this faster though.

Ok guys so I have been able to figure a way that sounds better for me, I changed the way I was muting this with my right hand, so it seems to me I’ve found a way where my right hand is muting the G and B strings or basically all the strings but leaves the E string open, unmuted. It’s like I have to anchor my right hand in such position otherwise it doesn’t work. Mechanically or swiping wise I have no idea what’s going on but seems all wrist motions.

Volume is a bit too low so sorry about that.

I wouldn’t even call them airballs, just hammer-ons from nowhere. He pretty much gets the pick into position for the following 3rd string downstroke before that 2nd string note sounds, every time.

actually yes. seems the hammer on approach on that B string might be the cleanest option for sure and the most reliable. however what would be Jeff’s solution for barred three string sweeps like at 0:25?

If your DSX form is amenable to SWYBRID you can do:

Upstroke, Middle, Ring, Downstroke, Upstroke, Upstroke, Repeat. UMRDUU, UMRDUU, etc.