How to perform DBX with reverse dart thrower motion?

I’m confident in my tremolo picking in what I believe is RDT, DSX. I have gotten that to 192bpm. What I can’t figure out is how to do a DBX stroke, since in the videos about the clock face model we’ve been taught that DBX comes from doing a deviation motion for half of the stroke, and my understanding is that deviation motion is exactly what RDT motion aims to avoid.

Am I just confused and using a deviation motion to perform a DBX still counts as RDT? If that’s not the case, how does one perform a DBX from the ergonomic mouse position? Should I practice DBX tremolo picking from RDT position?

Do you have access to this video?

Troy shows dbx from an RDT motion there.

I think the problem with that is you may not know if it’s DBX just from a tremolo, especially if you aren’t familiar with what dbx feels like. A better approach is to play stuff that requires dbx - scalar lines or melodies that require escapes in both directions (but done from the main dbx “posture”, as opposed to using a helper motion) arpeggios and 1nps phrases etc.

I have access to that, yeah. I can see from my videos that I am in fact doing a DBX motion, I just don’t know if it’s via RDT or via deviation, or it that matters at all.

Perhaps it’s time to reactivate my membership and submit a video to the instructors.

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I would say it only matters if there is a problem and you aren’t able to go as fast as you’d like. I had been practicing a couple different dbx forms. They were ok. Then I tried a Morse 3 finger grip and saw an instant boost in speed and comfort. The grip itself probably isn’t the secret sauce but the overall setup encouraged a more flex/ext rather than deviation so that was the reason it worked better for me.

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Clicking the link above brings me to a 404 error, is it just me?
(I’m a masters in mechanigs member btw)

This link should work.

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Thanks! The Primer is ever-evolving :slight_smile:

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