If you’ve got this library of licks, theory knowledge, and have decent technique, I’m going to suggest something that may seem strange.
Impose limits on yourself.
Say if you’re sticking with a good ol’ A minor jam, try sticking to only a set number of strings. Maybe impose the limitation that you can only begin another phrase if you end on the root note, or chord tones.
Necessity is the mother of invention. If you impose a limitation on yourself when improvising, and you still have to have the objective of making a musical phrase, those limitations will make you play things you otherwise wouldn’t.
Further, another key thing of improvising is try varying the tempo or time feel of the notes you’re playing. If you have a phrase of straight 16th notes, try changing up the time feel to 16th note triplets right smack dab in the middle of the phrase. Maybe the last important notes that resolve down to the root are done in 8th notes.
And finally, when it comes to phrases, go with what sounds awesome. That’s main factor. If it sounds bitchin’ that’s the right way to do it.
Hope that helps! Cheers!