I learned a new motion. It works great for cross picking

Hi, Everyone… I thought I would share a little video of myself playing a bit of a Bach piece.

The interesting thing is that couple weeks ago. I threw my back out and was forced to practice while lying on my back. And because of that I wasn’t able to pick with my normal picking mechanics and it’s sort of forced me to pick with a new motion that I have never done before. It sort of rest ball side part of my wrist on the guitar bridge and just kind of move my hand.

It is really fun to play with this motion and it works amazingly well for string skipping and one note per string playing. It works great with Pat Martino type lines also.

The good thing is that my back feels better and now I have a new technique to mess around with. :slightly_smiling_face:


Would it be possible to get a down-the-fretboard shot of how your hand is set up?

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This sounds and looks great! I’m not posting to be negative or argumentative, but in my struggles with “double escape” I’ve learned that sometimes things that feel and work great at this kind of tempo fall apart when they are “fast.” For example I’ve personally found a lot of motions that feel comfortable for those types of figures at like 16ths 100BPM, but to date I have found zero motions that feel good, comfortable, and accurate for ME at >120BPM.

Have you tried any of these types of figures in speedier tempo territory?

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Did you tried to play it with sweep picking?