I tried something new yesterday. Is this DBX?

After playing over 30 years (lol) I stumbled onto something yesterday after doing the tests and it felt weird like I was using more finger joint motion but looked different when I went to the video. I’m playing this faster than I normally play so I could see how the motion felt and didn’t worry about the accuracy. Is this more of a DBX or anything look bad in it? I have been mainly USX since I learned about CTC but always feel some tension after doing a tremolo. Thanks for your time and have a blessed day!

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That looks like DBX to me. The only way to really tell is to try playing pretty fast. String hopping shouldn’t be possible at speeds above 16ths @ 120. Troy has recommended going even faster though. He directly told me in thread that “140 is too slow”. Of course this doesn’t mean the playing needs to be perfect at these speeds but the motion should have that capability.

The piece you’re playing is a great DBX etude since it has such a non pattern structure. It constantly requires different escapes across different string groups. Great piece in general too of course. One of the best pieces ever written for the instrument : -) Try it even faster and see what happens!

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Thank you for checking that out. I sure will give it a go on just the first 8 bars as fast as I can for this etude and post another video to this and see if we see anything different. Have a blessed evening!

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