Instrumental Guitar Tune - The Gremlins Are Back

So I thought I’d maybe take a bit of a break from the endless guitar practice grind and perhaps do some creative guitaring. lol I don’t know where people host mp3’s anymore, so I just made the audio into a video, added one of my silly digital watercolors paintings and BAM - there’s a tune! Is it any good? Not sure. I will share it anyways because it’s fun.

The interesting thing here is that there is ummm very little picking. Lots of legato, hammers and taps. hahaha And I spend almost zero time practicing that, because I am obsessed with learning how to pick! But I think that perhaps it’s worth mentioning that if you have some stuff that you CAN do well, it’s okay to do that instead of hyperfocusing on what you’d like to be able to do.

I humbly submit this for your listening pleasure… (Warning LOTS of melodic Minor content!)

P.S. Helix Native Plugin apsolutely ROCKS in my opinion!


Dude it’s so awesome! There was this one little part that reminded me of one of my favorite instrumental tunes, which is Rules of the Game by Shawn Lane. Other than that it’s very “you” sounding. And I mean that completely as a compliment. You have your own sound/thing going on which I love.

Aww dude, thanks so much! I love that song - Shawn’s music had a big impact on me, especially the Powers of ten stuff! Thanks for taking a sec to listen and comment, Merry Christmas, pal!

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I thought I’d leave a playlist of some tunes I uploaded onto Youtube (Each with a progressively worse digital painting! HAHAHAHA!!)

It’s interesting, and relevant to post here because it’s a good indication of where I was before the whole CTC thing, and my shift from what I “used” to play like, and what I play like now. Gremlins are Back and Charms and Spells are recent-ish, but everything else is from the 1900’s, and you can almost hear it!

So yeah, it’s not all that great, BUT it’s not terrible either so if I could do this I think anyone could regardless of DT, RDT USX, DSX, DBX tap/legato only etc etc. Tons of options out there, and there’s an ocean of music in us all. :grinning: