ok so i dont have a video currently, but basically i have always had this issue with playing slowly feeling terribly awkward to me. I would cap out and almost switch to a different technique when using a metronome and then could go much faster.
I have figured out why.
when practicing something slow i use strict alternate picking, and I am probably not using the correct two way pick slanting practices when doing 3NPS runs, etc.
When I play fast, I swipe, and will just do the same movement a Second time
something like this
Upward pick slanting AL DI MEOLA STYLE
would be D U D U, U D U D U swipe, D U D
is this an inefficient movement? I can do it at high speeds. However it is so weird to me because for years i have been alternate picking purely for slow speeds, and naturally doing this at high speeds. When I apply this technique I realize I have an easier time playing things at slower/medium tempos. I just have to almost relearn how to play slow/medium tempos, applying the same feeling i get when playing fast.