In the last month or so I became very concerned with my picking technique and have made leaps since noticing the inherent flaws in the ways I was picking (coherent picking speed from 6.9 nps and very rigid to 8.2 nps and much more fluid on scales that go straight up/down, and 6.5 nps to 10 nps on 2 or 3 string patterns) that was limiting my speed. What I’m wondering is; to continue making progress the magnet seems like a fantastic tool, but it looks like after the end of the kickstarter, there is no way to get one by end of year. Will the magnet go on sale at a later date for a full release, and if so, is there any projected timeline for when something like that would occur? Or will the people who got in on the kickstarter be the only people able to obtain one?
I’d like to know as well!