The thing about “genetic potential” is…you cant do anything about it so why worry about it? lol
When I look back at my life I have done many different things and Ive generally done well at the things I focused on. BMX racing, powerlifting, guitar playing, music writing, singing, competitive chess etc etc. I think ive competed at some level in at least 10 different activities
Like my friend used to say “im not a slouch at ANYTHING” lol. You cant tell me I have genetic potential for all those different activities. As kids, my generation stayed outdoors all day long when not in school. We played ALL the sports (except soccer which wasnt really big in the USA yet). Everything we did was cut throat and hyper competitive. Hell, we could be playing UNO and have a fist fight break out. I never had the experience of not being picked or being picked last when choosing players. I was usually 1st or 2nd
Yeah, when it comes to playing in the NBA or NFL or certain sports, there is definitely a genetic physical and mental makeup needed. Shaq wasnt ever going to be a horse jockey or a 3rd baseman. Ralph Samson was never going to be a sumo wrestler
When it came to guitar I had no clue. Every kid in my neighborhood played baseball and football but I didnt know anyone who played rock guitar. So it was all a big mystery to me. I didnt start until I was 20.5 years old
I started wtih Troy Stetina tab books with the cassette on the front cover lol.
So just the fact that I was serious enough to start with tab and books right away meant I was going to make better progress than the guy who got a guitar for Christmas but just plunked around on it once per week
That being said, Im no psychoanalyst so I dunno if I can even fully understand my whole mindset. I think i always figured I could be pretty good but who in their right mind thinks they will actually become rich and famous? Not starting at 20
Im pretty much a loner too so the whole “band thing” didnt really work for me. I always wanted to be in a good band but there are so many variables. The few times I tried it was just a disaster. So there’s that
The whole Malmsteen/Halen etc shreddy thing was pretty imcomprehensible too. There was no huge music scene where I was so I never knew anyone who could really shred that much. I was about 33 before I ever discovered the internet lol.
So whatever “dreams” I may have had on guitar never strongly revolved around being rich and famous or “doing it for a living”
Even though I was good at whatever I tried, I also have/had my struggles with uncertainty and disbelief
Bringing it up to today. What are my goals. Well somehow I DO believe I have the ability to make music more or less as good as those I grew up listening to: Led Zep, Halen, Malmsteen etc etc. With home recording etc that part is more or less under my control. As far as thinking I can ever sell one album, thats another story…that part is sort of beyond my control
So what hampers me?? genetics? Really nothing hampers me except myself. there is no one with a gun forcing me to NOT record and write songs. I have written and recorded enough demos to prove to myself I can make decent music.
At 51 years old, new vistas are opening as far as lead playing. so thats nice. With CTC a lot of the mystery and frustration has went out of it.
So now its down to internal qualities like focus, self belief, goal setting, and old fashioned hard work
Looking back on it, id say genetics arent quite the factor in making music as they are in sports etc. The few kids I knew who were into making music back then were sort of nerdy kids who COULDNT play sports etc lol
The one main limitation I have had to fight every day is like crippling self doubt. I assume its from being the kid of divorced parents and that whole trip. No father to teach me or give me confidence. Poor me. It is what it is.
But right now the only thing stopping me…is me
Peace, JJ