I’ll respond to you with your own words:
It’s not only genetic potential that you can’t do anything about. Guys like Andy Wood were born in a musical family, he was surrounded by music from the very beginning. Look at Rick Beato’s son who’s got that amazing perfect pitch ability - I don’t deny his talent, but if it wasn’t for his dad who exposed him to music before he couldn’t even walk and then did intensive ear training, there would be no way for him to acheive that level. Even stuff like being born in a rich or poor family - you may fight with your cheap fender squier with string action so high it cuts your fingers in half, while some kid is comfortably learning on a suhr modern his parents bought him.
I’m from Poland, 1989 was the year that communism ended here. I don’t think there’s a single guitar player from our ‘old guard’ who played nearly as good as Yngwie or Vai or any of the american guitar heroes. The quality of gear was terrible when they were learning, and even getting to listen to a tape of Steve Vai was quite an acheivement. Getting a fender stratocaster or marshall amp was something they could only dream about.
I think there are actually more things you can’t do anything about than the ones you can. So…