Hey guys! I think it would be great to see an Alexi’s deconstruction of his technique, as he were such a neat player, he picked almost every note and used some killer string skipping riffs which could be studied to know how to use economy picking and alternate picking.
Great player, sorry to hear about his passing.
Short answer? Most of his fast stuff that I’ve seen was all EJ / Zakk type USX, switching on upstrokes, downward pickslant, etc. Lots of the usual 2nps pentatonic patterns, and scale patterns doubled up to become sixes for the same reason. Maybe some downstroke swiping in there to get outside picking. It’s territory we’ve covered pretty well at this point.
What was the joint motion? That’s an interesting question. Wrist? Wrist + fingers? Looks similar to Randy Rhoads’ technique.
Thanks for covering with a thought answer Troy. Indeed, he were great. He created some great riffs and solos like the ones in this song:
Which made my fingers trip over themselves. And in this one:
Which i feel they could give us new insghts about metal guitar. I hope you hear them, they sure are top metal.